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Bartholomew Players News

Actress wanted for Ayckbourn play 23 Aug 2024 There is a vacancy in the cast for an actress to the play the role of Diana. Playing age should be between 40 and 60.

Actress wanted for Alan Ayckbourne play
Bartholomew Players in Eynsham is set to rehearse their next Autumn production - Absent Friends by Alan Ayckbourne, There is a vacancy in the cast for an actress to the play the role of Diana. Playing age should be between 40 and 60. The play is due to run from November 27th to 30th, and rehearsals take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings, but there is some flexibility.

If you are interested in the role, please contact the Director, John Casey, on 07964 170541 or email him at johngc0007@gmail.com