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Eynsham Museum and Heritage Centre News

Our Museum's first Exhibition! 4 Oct 2023 "EYNSHAM'S LOST RAILWAY" featuring a working N gauge model of our station in the 1950s

The exhibition opened on Saturday 5 August and will now run until the end of November due to continued public interest: Saturdays and Sundays 11am to 4pm in the Bartholomew Room.

Eynsham's Lost RailwayThe model has working trains running through the station, into the countryside, past the goods yard and adjoining businesses and houses, over the level crossing and on. It shows the branch line as it was just before the "Beeching" cuts in the early 1960s. Its creator, David Thomas, has kindly loaned it for the exhibition. David's posts on Facebook (Eynsham Pictures Past & Present) tell the story and will be familiar to many of you.

The model will be accompanied by displays of objects and old photos from the station - this video © John Richards of Eynsham Community Cinema.

Entry is free but we welcome donations to support the creation of the planned permanent Museum.

In the downstairs room there is an exhibition of Eynsham's history in pictures and photos. There will be books and cards available to buy to raise funds for the ongoing Museum project.


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