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Scam Alerts 18 Jan 2021 Protect yourself from fraudsters


If you think you've uncovered a scam, been targeted by a scam or fallen victim to fraudsters, contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or at www.actionfraud.police.uk. Call us on 101 if you know the suspect or they're still in the area. Reporting crime, including fraud, is important

Action Fraud is warning the public to remain vigilant as criminals begin to take advantage of the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine to commit fraud.

Remember, the vaccine is only available on the NHS and is free of charge. The NHS will never ask you for details about your bank account or to pay for the vaccine. If you receive an email, text message or phone call purporting to be from the NHS and you are asked to provide financial details, this is a scam

New courier fraud tactic.

Courier fraud is when victims receive a phone call from a criminal, pretending to be a police officer or bank official. Typically, victims are told to withdraw a sum of money and someone is sent to their home address to collect it. Criminals may also convince the victim to transfer money to a ‘secure’ bank account, hand over their bank cards, or high value items, such as jewellery, watches and gold (coins or bullion).


Be aware of an automated phone call scam which will tell you HMRC is filing a lawsuit against you or that you will be arrested. Usually you are told to press one to speak to a caseworker to make a payment. We can confirm this is a scam and you should end the call immediately.

Protect yourself

Be alert to the fact that scams exist. 
Know who you're dealing with
Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or click on links or attachments in emails – delete them?
Don't respond to phone calls about your computer asking for remote access – hang up
Keep your personal details secure
Keep your mobile devices and computers secure.
Choose your passwords carefully.
Review your privacy and security settings on social media.
Beware of any requests for your details or money
Be wary of unusual payment requests
Be careful when shopping online.