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Eynsham Croquet Club News

Brian Hitchins Trophy 2020 22 Sep 2020 A great day out for all

We held our annual Brian Hitchins Trophy Day yesterday and what a day it turned out to be.

The weather was sunny and warm despite some gusty winds, the courts having been cut to 6.5mm were running the fastest we have ever played on and the handicap coaching proved to be very useful for many players.

Starting with 4 pools of 4, then semis and the final alongside a consolation plate competition for the Pool runners up. 30 games in all played with many of our newer players using their handicaps to great advantage.

Roy Parkinson built on his recent win in the 10+ competition to run out a worthy winner beating Ann Wotherspoon 7-3 - Well done Roy.

In the Consolation plate final, Barbara Spenser beat Martin Grove 3-2.

A great day out for all.


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