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Eynsham Croquet Club News

Inaugural 10+handicap Competition 31 Aug 2020 outstanding play on a very nonseasonal day

Firstly I would like the thank the competitors and helper for turning up on what was a very nonseasonal day. With temperature just breaking the 10 deg C mark, northerly winds and the occasional blast of horizontal rain the condition couldn't be better! This was typified by Sandra curled up in the corner of the gazebo trying to get warm every chance she got. I wonder if she thawed out yet.

The courts were the best they have been all years and the best they have been for the last few years. I would like to thank Roger, Molly and the team for putting so much effort into their preparation, it was fully appreciated by all.

The competition was an 8 player all plays all format with no time limit on the games so that player didn't feel pressurised into playing shots too quickly. Some player took this to heart and by lunch time we were a good hour+ behind. It was no lunch for some.

Although this was a 10+ handicap event the quality of play from all was outstanding. Very few missed shots, and lot of good tactical play with some matches won or lost on just the one shot. There were a lot of close matches particularly for Lesley who lost 3 of her games 7:6. How cruel? Also shot of the day goes to Lesley with an angled jump shot from 4 ft out clearing both of martin balls, one was in front of the hoop and the other blocking Lesley ball.

Roy got off to a great start which he maintained throughout the competition winning all his games played. Only Carole took him to the 13th hoop by just failed to win. There was also excellent play from Martin and Jill who were both in contention until round 6 when Roy built an unassailable lead. Due to time overruns and the weather about to deluge us again the competition, with all players agreement, was concluded after the 6th round of matches.


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