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Bartholomew Players News

Abigail's Party by Mike Leigh 27 Oct 2019 Tickets now available -click for details

Bartholomew Players present: "Abigail’s Party" by Mike Leigh

If you remember cheese & pineapple served on a cocktail stick, flared trousers and feather-cut hairstyles, orange and brown swirly décor and houses costing £21,000 then “Abigail’s Party” will be a trip down Memory Lane for you! A funny, nostalgia-filled snapshot of married life in the 1970’s, this suburban situation comedy of manners by Mike Leigh is a satire on the aspirations and tastes of the new middle class that emerged in Britain at this time.

Director Gareth Hammond says “I have always wanted to put on this play. It had such a powerful effect on me when I saw it in the 1970s. As the original cringe comedy, it still resonates today with its recognisable characters and their bourgeois attitudes.”

As usual, we are partnering with a local Charity for our Supper Show, Eynsham Pre-School, an Ofsted-rated “Outstanding” Pre-school, caring for and educating children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. They will assist us in organising the evening in return for a share of the profits. We look forward to seeing you!

Venue: Eynsham Village Hall, Back Lane, Eynsham, OX29 4QW

Dates: Wed 27, Thurs 28, Fri 29 and Sat 30 Nov 2019

Performance Tickets – for Wed, Thurs and Saturday nights

  • Doors open: 7.00pm, Performance: 7.30pm
  • Price: £10.00 (concessions £9.00) 
  • Available: in advance from Denise Santilli, 07721 744020, bart.players@gmail.com, online from www.ticketsource.co.uk/bartholomewplayers, from Evenlode DIY in Eynsham or on the door

Tickets for FRIDAY 29 Nov – must be purchased in advance by 24 Nov

  • Doors open: 6.10pm, 2-course supper served: 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Performance: 7.30pm
  • Advance Tickets only: £20.00 
  • Available: in advance from Denise Santilli, 07721 744020, bart.players@gmail.com (not available online)

Website: www.bartholomewplayers.co.uk


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