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Bartholomew Players Events

    28 Nov 2024 19:30 - 21:45 at Village Hall

    Bartholomew Players present: "Absent Friends” by Alan Ayckbourn

    Absent Friends is a play by the renowned playwright Alan Ayckbourn. The play premiered in Scarborough 50 years ago. A tea party has been arranged for the recently bereaved Colin by “friends” and acquaintances. However, Colin’s acceptance of his situation and of his fulfilling time with his fiancée only serves to highlight and widen the rifts in the other relationships.

    In an interview with Ayckbourn in 2021, he describes this play as an “unflinching tragi-comedy which explores the death of love”. Although first aired in 1974, it has been regularly revived making it one of the most popular plays in the Ayckbourn play canon. When asked if the play was still relevant today, he replied “I think a lot of it still very relevant. Human nature doesn’t change. We just adopt different hairstyles”.

    This is John Casey’s debut as a Director for Bartholomew Players, and the play will both amuse and invite you to reflect on modern British life.

    We will follow all Government guidance in place at the time of the performance regarding any COVID-19 safety measures – please check our website regularly for updates.

    • Venue: Eynsham Village Hall, Back Lane, Eynsham, OX29 4QW
    • Dates: Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th November 2024
    • Doors open: 7.00pm, Performance: 7.30pm
    • Price: £12.00 (no concessions)
    • Available: online from https://www.trybooking.co.uk/DVGG, in advance from Denise Santilli, 07721 744020,  bart.players@gmail.com, from Evenlode DIY in Eynsham or on the door

    Website: www.bartholomewplayers.co.uk

    New members interested in acting or backstage are very welcome. We are an award-winning, friendly company. Please contact us via our email address or website.

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    Event Venue

    Village Hall

    46 Back Lane
    Oxfordshire  OX29 4QW

    T: 0793 583 2702