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Out for Consultation 26 Oct 2016 (Eynsham Village) WODC now proposes 2,200 homes at a Garden Village north of Eynsham PLUS an urban extension of 1,000 homes to the west.

District Councillors have approved an updated version of the draft Local Plan for public consultation following concerns raised by the Planning Inspector in January that the earlier draft was not consistent with Oxfordshire’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment and that it did not take into account the housing need identified for Oxford.  

Under the revised proposals, a total of 15,950 homes are set to be built by 2031, of which 2,750 have been allocated as the District’s contribution to Oxford’s unmet housing need.

Key sites include 2,200 homes at the proposed Garden Village to the north of Eynsham along with an urban extension to the west of Eynsham which will add a further 1,000 new homes.

Other major allocations include North Witney (up from 1,000 properties to 1,400); Woodstock (up 670); Chipping Norton (up from 600 to 1,400) and Carterton (up from 1,000 to 1,570).

Further reading: Eynsham Neighbourhood Plan

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