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Win Goody (1916-2012) 27 Jul 2012 (Eynsham Village) A valued member of Eynsham Arts Group, former editor of Eynsham Roundabout and striking presence to the end.

Win grew up in Liverpool and trained as a nursery nurse in Manchester. When the War came, she found a job as a driver; learned what went on under the bonnet with the Mechanical Transport Corps; and got busy taking food to the dockers and dinners round the schools, ferrying refugees from Singapore then up and down the dock road with the Yanks.

After D-Day she shipped out with ENSA, driving several big bands on their tours of France and Holland ... among them Phil her future husband. She was then stationed with the ENSA cinema and theatre in Paris and “could go on forever name- dropping on the performers”.

After the War she returned to England, married her musician and settled down for 20 years' happy family life. Win represented the Congregational Church on Eltham Council of Churches; got involved in their newsletter; and after Phil's death spent 13 years with the office of the New Guinea Mission.

Moving to Eynsham to be with the family, Win soon picked up 4 secretarial jobs and edited the Roundabout for 25 years. She said “I do much less now ... reading, knitting, sewing, painting, crosswords and jigsaw puzzles. The days are not long enough! ”


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