Eynsham Online continues supporting local organisations and activities all year round: connecting them to one another and to you. From bus times to cafés, the Car Scheme to the Country Market, the Croquet Club to planning issues and an AZ covering every imaginable public service.

Thanks to over 100 regular contributors, we can be proud of a ‘virtuous circle’ – a growing variety and quality of content generating a growing number of users. Our ‘visitors’ are up nearly 28% since 2023.
In year ending 31 December 2024, we promoted 15,451 events, hosted 13,529 news items and forwarded 7,135 email enquiries.
Help Us to Keep Helping You!
Eynsham Online relies entirely on volunteers. Could you be a roving reporter, or can you spare some techie time? Email online@eynsham.org.uk, or use our Contact form – it would be great to hear from you.
Contributions towards our baseline costs are warmly welcome (£500 p/a for site hosting, email and technical support). Our HSBC bank account is 42300451, Sort code: 40-20-06.
Eynsham Online remains an entirely independent service, under the aegis of Eynsham Online CIC.
Our financial statements for year ending 31 March 2024 have recently been posted, with an activities and impact report starting on page 7. View the PDF.