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Could You Make Soup? 29 Nov 2024 (Gatehouse Volunteers) It's the time of year again when Gatehouse put out a request...

It's the time of year again when Gatehouse put out a request for homemade soup - to be collected in February 2025. This is only a once-a year request so not a regular commitment.

The Gatehouse volunteers and their homeless guests are very appreciative of these contributions, especially during the cold winter nights.

All you would need to do:

  • Make 2 litres of soup (more if you wish).
  • Freeze it in a 2 litre box so it’s a cube which is easy for stacking in the Gatehouse freezer.
  • Transfer the frozen block into a freezer bag.
  • List all the ingredients along with the date of cooking and freezing and your name.
  • Keep it in your freezer until collection day.

The flavour can be any sort but please do not over-season with salt then the guests can add salt as they wish. Smooth soups are preferable as the guests use mugs to drink the soup.

Margherita and Christine will collect your frozen blocks of soup on the morning of Monday 3 February 2025.

NB Although collection day is not until February, they do need to know how many contributors they have, SO IF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE EMAIL CHRISTINE COX NOW, so that labels can be delivered to you in December.

Thank you.


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Botley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageMaps & WalksEynsham Venue Hire