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10,000 Thanks from Eynsham Food Bank 28 May 2024 (Eynsham Food Bank) This month will see the Foodbank make its 10,000th delivery

This has only been possible due to the amazing team of volunteers and the fantastic financial support we have received from individuals and organisations in Eynsham plus some charity grants. Without such support we simply cannot function.

In the last 4+ years we have supported some 240 households and at present have 50 recipients of our service. Our running costs average about £10 per household so we need some £500 per week to continue operating. All our volunteers give of their time (and petrol!) without any payment.

A special thanks to all those who took up the invite to make a regular commitment via standing orders: This has become a vital source of funding.

Once again, the Eynsham community has demonstrated its ability to aid those in need.

If you think you might like to join the volunteers - as a shelf stacker, a food box packer or a delivery driver - then please contact Bob Thiele on 07450 328530.

If you would like to support us financially, our account details are Eynsham Good Neighbours Network, Sort Code 40-35-34, Account Number 14162870.

Botley West Solar FarmEynsham Venue HireEynsham Image ArchiveEynsham Heritage