This is not intended to be comprehensive - it is a quick guide to help you find a few things in the night sky without any equipment - just your eyes.
All of these are very bright and easy to find when walking around the village.
The planets
Venus and is morning object in the east. It is very bright rising before sunrise - so be careful if you do use binoculars - do not use these at sunrise as you will damage your eyes.
Saturn is in the south at sunset and sets in the west.
Jupiter rises at sunset about 4.30pm in the East and is in the south sky all night.
The Moon is full on the 27th rising about 4:30pm in the East.
There are an International Space Station pass on the 9th November - starting at 6:59pm. You may have heard that an astronaut has dropped her tool box - this is currently travelling 22 minutes in front of the space staion - so this will be at 6:37pm but you will need binoculars
The Geminids meteor shower can be seen this month - building up to its peak around the 13th and 14th - there could be around 100 mereors an hour. Get a chair and sit outside and just look up as they cross the sky in different directions
I have made or found the following charts to help you find: -
9th Venus and the Moon
9th Space Station pass
18th Moon and Saturn
21st Moon and Jupiter
26th Orion and the Moon
The Moon Phases
The Plough Constellation