Hallelujah! A concert including Messiah Part 1 plus the Hallelujah chorus, and Vivaldi’s Magnificat RV610 will be given by Eynsham Choral Society on Saturday 9th December in St Leonard’s church at 7.30pm. Stuart Dunlop is our conductor, the Oxford Players will accompany and play a Handel concerto, and four soloists including two marvellous singers from our summer concert, will complete the line up.
Tickets will be on sale for £15 each at Evenlode DIY two weeks before the concert, or check our website htpps://eynshamchoral.org.
Eynsham Choral Society’s numbers have increased this term, following our post-pandemic years, and we are looking forward to raising the roof with Handel’s impressive music.
At last year’s concerts (The Creation by Haydn and Dvorak’s Mass in D Major) the choir were well below 40 in numerical strength but were delighted to be singing and meet with an appreciative audience. Now we have over 60 singing members including some very welcome new and younger participants, as well as familiar faces.
We thoroughly enjoy learning exciting music, singing together and performing in our community, bringing choral music to life in the best way we can. New singers are welcome - we rehearse on Tuesday evenings at Eynsham Primary School 7.30pm From January 9th 2024 we’ll be preparing for our May 2024 concert: Fauré - Requiem, Cantique de Jean Racine, Rheinberger’s Stabat Mater and Haydn’s Te Deum for Empress Marie Therese.