The full list of candidates for Eynsham and Cassington appears on our election page, with results from 2005-2022 as a download.
NICHOLAS GOODWIN (Green Party) has lived in Eynsham since his children attended Bartholomew School; now it’s his oldest grandchild. He works for the University of Oxford, cycling regularly but grateful for the new H2 bus service. He has attended churches in Cassington and Eynsham - a good place to live with many thriving community groups and a strong awareness of green issues.
It was therefore disappointing to hear the Government’s planning inspector had removed the requirement for the new Salt Cross development to provide good quality, net-zero-carbon homes, despite West Oxfordshire District Council’s efforts. This decision is being challenged, but we must find other ways of tackling the climate crisis, such as supporting the Community Action Plan to reach Zero Carbon.
Last year’s elections brought an important change to the Council; the Green Party, Liberal Democrats and Labour group agreed to form the ‘West Oxfordshire Alliance’ to work for everyone in West Oxfordshire. They have funded community groups helping people with the increasing cost of living and pressured Thames Water to reduce sewage leaking into the river but there is so much more to do. Please use your vote to ensure the effort continues.
To find out more about the local Green Party visit
SEAN GRACE (The Conservative Party Candidate): I’m a hardworking and motivated new father and I work for a software company in the social care sector. I’m also studying towards a MBA at Oxford Brookes and I am always looking for ways that I can give back to our local community and make sure you have a strong voice.
In my spare time I like to enjoy trips with my family and I love taking part in the local Park Run, playing golf and read books.
Some of my local contributions have been initiating the Eynsham covid response and neighbourhood WhatsApp groups along with helping to raise awareness of the community larder, reporting potholes using the FixMyStreet app and helping develop simple websites for local businesses free of charge.
I really do care passionately about preserving a sense of community, improving local infrastructure (e.g. road surfaces, day care centers and waste collection services), and supporting young families as I know first hand how challenging this can be.
We’ve had years of Liberal Democrat representation locally and nothing has sadly improved. Your vote on Thursday 4th May can change this. I hope I can count on your support!
DAN LEVY (Liberal Democrats) has enjoyed living in Eynsham for nearly 20 years with his wife and two children, who went to school at Bartholomew.
He has been one of the District Councillors for Eynsham, Cassington and South Leigh for 4 years. Since May he has been the Cabinet member for finance at WODC. He has been able to use his finance background in large businesses to manage WODC’s overall budget to ensure the best value of services are delivered for residents.
He is committed to ensuring that any developments are in line with the needs of residents, for instance for new housing. That means infrastructure before building and holding Thames Water to account. It means that new development must not be just for the benefit of large landowners. He is a committed supporter of getting a rail line between Witney, Eynsham and Oxford.
He has also played an active role in ensuring that WODC plays its part in combatting climate change and biodiversity loss, and in opposing the attempts by developers to water down their obligations to be net zero.
The area is going through a period of significant change, and needs a hardworking and active councillor to support residents.
RICARDO SILVA (Independent): I was born in Brazil. Since 2016, Eynsham has been the place I proudly call "home". My academic background is law, but I have been working as a software engineer most of my life.
I am standing by Reform UK. I believe in common sense, low taxes, limited government, and personal responsibility.
Technology and innovation must be intensively used to save the public money and offer better services.
Environmental protection must be reasonable; otherwise, we harm the necessary economic development and job generation.
The youth deserve more attention in this challenging moment regarding issues such as job opportunities, education, and mental health.
I expect to learn a lot and contribute by bringing different views.
JACOB WITHINGTON (Labour Party): I grew up in Worcestershire where I fell in love with the countryside, I then studied Physics at the University of Bath. After my degree, I was elected to represent the students at Bath. I have gained great experience in being an elected representative, pursuing projects to improve my electorate’s experience, using their views to inform my decisions, and seeking out their relevant issues for me to address. I hope to utilise this experience in representing Eynsham & Cassington, helping it to thrive for all. I work at the John Radcliffe Hospital, in my spare time I enjoy swimming, reading, and volunteering at the community café/centre The Gatehouse which supports those in need of food and other services.
I want to ensure everyone in our community is represented and the council works best for all. I will make sure Eynsham & Cassington’s voice is heard at the council level, pushing for a freeze on council tax, improved traffic management,<