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‘Reopening the Village’ 4 Aug 2020 (Eynsham Village) Village access restrictions, due from Monday 10 August: NOW ON HOLD

Eynsham Parish Council proposals for reopening the village include...

  • a temporary ‘access only zone’ for the village centre, announced on 27 July and effective from 10 August, for safer queuing outside shops;
  • a temporary 20mph village-wide speed limit from all access roads - under negotiation.

The scheme is being funded by West Oxfordshire District Council and facilitated by Oxfordshire County Council.

Update 11/08: proposal is on hold

County Councillor Charles Mathew writes in support of the concerns expressed by local businesses:

“The ‘Village Centre Reopening’ is a curious title to the project as Eynsham has never closed during the pandemic restrictions but has obeyed the Government guidelines and kept open.

“My real concern is the supposed urgency does not allow consultation to take place and I believe that that is fundamental in taking such a decision. In addition, I do wonder whether the size of the restricted access in Mill Street in particular is sensible; the effect sought could be achieved with a smaller restrictive zone in my opinion.

“As the Parish Council knows, the ‘Surgery’ car park is often full and to suggest that access to the centre can be gained by using it is optimistic; many of the local village residents use Eynsham for the everyday chores of life and in many cases, age means they need to park close to their destination.

“I would strongly encourage Eynsham Parish Council to open this measure to consultation so that the residents of the Windrush Valley have a chance to comment before the deadline presently proposed.”


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