Planning started early, with discussions on 13 February and a Jubilee Footpaths Project in association with the County Council - working towards the key events of the “Big Lunch” and the Jubilee Beacon on 3 and 4 June. And every corner of the community was soon involved - from choral concerts to party recipes, from a patriotic Oasis for senior citizens to Jubilee Japes in the Library. The Parish Council published a Diamond Jubilee Directory to serve as a practical memento; and the official renaming of Queen Elizabeth II Field (Oxford Road Playing Field - south) put a solid seal on the year.
Thanks to the crew from Eynsham Fire Station for installing the beacon cauldron - and to massive support from the community for sharing memories of the occasion. All costs were covered by volunteer effort plus a £500 grant from the District Council ... allowing a special Diamond Jubilee Collection to be set up in aid of Eynsham Consolidated Charity, which makes grants to help local people in need, hardship or distress.
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