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Eynsham Primary School's first magazine

Jubilee Magazine

Jubilee Magazine (1 May 1977)

Eynsham Primary School published its very first school magazine in honour of the occasion (opens in new window). Headteacher George Baines introduces:

‘Jubilee Year seems a good time for looking back over the past twenty-five years of the Elizabethan age, and further back to the Jubilees of 1935 and Victoria's reign. And also over the past ten years since in 1967 Eynsham Primary School (Mark I) was built. So we have concocted this gallimaufry of reminiscences: earlier jubilees as celebrated in Eynsham, the Coronation recalled by Eynsham inhabitants, and early memories of the school recounted by those who taught and learnt in it ten years ago. We also include some recent children's work ...’

The issue was put together by Sara Bannister, Susan Chapman, Elizabeth Crawford, Anna Hill, Ruth Hodges and Christopher Schenk - several of whom are still among us.

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