Botley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageMaps & WalksEynsham Venue Hire

3 miles in sight of Eynsham Mill and back via Millennium Wood

Eynsham Mill Walk

Eynsham Mill Walk (13 Dec 2017)

Print off the original directions below OR take the guided tour on your smartphone - NEW! for 2023

Take the tour! - new interactive guide from Alan Craft

NB there’s a legal (footpath) shortcut across the field opposite Cassington Cut, avoiding a walk along the A40.

Step by step directions - KEY

TL turn left - TR turn right - FL fork left - FR fork right - BL bear left - BR bear right

1. Take the bridleway beside the public noticeboard at the top of Mill Street, opposite the junction with Spareacre Lane. Cross Hawthorn Road; continue past the back of Eynsham Primary School until you reach the Eynsham ring road.

2. Cross here. Follow the field edge which swings to the right & joins the old Cassington Road.

3. TL Follow the road until you reach a footpath sign on the left, opposite Wharf Farm.

4. TL on the footpath across the field. Cross the A40 with care; continue diagonally towards the treeline at the far left corner of the next field.

5. Go through the trees and BL over a stone footbridge. Follow the river to the corner of the next field.

6. BR into the trees and emerge into the grounds of Eynsham Mill. Beyond the waymarker post, head towards the stone arch bridge at the far edge of the grounds.

7. Keep the bridge on your right, cross the driveway ahead. Go straight on then BL through a grassy avenue between trees, emerging into a field. Follow the right hand field boundary until you reach the Lower Road.

8. Cross the road and continue, keeping the hedge on your right. Go through two gates.

9. After approx. 1 km, TR then almost immediately FL.

10. Go through two gates into the Millennium Wood.

11. If you stay on the right-hand side of the wood: TL through a gate onto the Freeland Road: TL onto the A40 opposite the Evenlode pub. If you go through the middle of the wood: exit through a gate onto the A40; the Evenlode pub is on your right. Cross the A40 with care. If the traffic is heavy, TL along the A40 to the pedestrian crossing (approx. 200m) and walk back to the pub.

12. Behind the pub is Old Witney Road: cut through the pub car park and TL onto this road.

13. At the end of Old Witney Road, TL.

14. TR onto Spareacre Lane and follow it to the end. This takes you back to the start of the walk.

Text © Eynsham Parish Council; the PDF opens in a new window

Botley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageMaps & WalksEynsham Venue Hire