Maps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Image ArchiveEynsham Heritage

a useful route around the village, or trespass on private property?

Devil in the Detail

Devil in the Detail (27 Aug 2015)

The footpaths and bridle paths in Eynsham can make a useful route around the village, taking the user away from the roads. But are you aware that these paths are, in fact, usually over private property? One example is the bridle path that runs behind Beech Road (No. 206/8). When the developer who built the houses divided up the land, he made each plot run up to the boundary walls to the south and west of the bridle path. So when you walk along this path you are walking through the gardens belonging to several Beech Road residents and one plot belonging to Hawthorn House – all of which is private property.

Several residents have worked hard over the last 5-6 years to make the path more accessible and attractive for walkers and riders but they are fighting a losing battle due to the indifference of some dog owners who leave their dog’s mess on the bridlepath (in someone else’s garden). This makes the task of grass cutting unhygienic and messy, so the cutting may become more selective and less often - which may compromise the enjoyment of the other users.

Paul Hughes

Maps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Image ArchiveEynsham Heritage